As a part of Environmental Science Organization (ESO) and Students for Sustainable Living (SFSL)'s Down to Earth Week, I'm heading up a Green Cleaning workshop! It's going to be Thursday, March 24 2011 at 1:00 p.m. in the Huron Room in the University Center at Northern Michigan University.
I'm trying to incorporate many of the eco-friendly and pocket friendly measures that I have learned thus far in Gorgeously Green. I'm also adding some recipes from a number of other books that are basic cleaning necessities. Recipes for things like: toothpaste, all purpose cleaner, dandruff solution, a fish tank cleaner, and much more!
The facebook link is: Green Cleaning at NMU check it out if you're interested or curious. If anyone has any questions please just ask me. I'm more than willing to share info!
I'd like to know what your presentation is going to be like... :( because I'm going to be at work. *huuuuuuuu...*