Gorgeously Green Official

Here is the official website that I have used as a basis for my blog: www.gorgeouslygreen.com

Friday, March 18, 2011

Green Cleaning Workshop

As a part of Environmental Science Organization (ESO) and Students for Sustainable Living (SFSL)'s Down to Earth Week, I'm heading up a Green Cleaning workshop!  It's going to be Thursday, March 24 2011 at 1:00 p.m. in the Huron Room in the University Center at Northern Michigan University. 

I'm trying to incorporate many of the eco-friendly and pocket friendly measures that I have learned thus far in Gorgeously Green.  I'm also adding some recipes from a number of other books that are basic cleaning necessities.  Recipes for things like: toothpaste, all purpose cleaner, dandruff solution, a fish tank cleaner, and much more!

The facebook link is: Green Cleaning at NMU check it out if you're interested or curious.  If anyone has any questions please just ask me.  I'm more than willing to share info!

1 comment:

  1. I'd like to know what your presentation is going to be like... :( because I'm going to be at work. *huuuuuuuu...*
