Gorgeously Green Official

Here is the official website that I have used as a basis for my blog: www.gorgeouslygreen.com

Thursday, March 3, 2011

Exercise, going as predicted.

I am appalled at my lack of exercise over the last week or more.  Now I had a migraine last Monday so I didn't go to ballet.  A cop-out but it's a legit one.  Hopefully the future will be more efficient and consistent.

Yesterday 6 km were successfully skied (cross country) at Crystal Mountain!  Though it took me way too long to perform but that isn't really that bad for only skiing once before this season. The snow was poor quality (basically ice) which unfortunately made it difficult to grip with my skis making it all that much more work.  The grip wax helped little.

Tonight was the first attempt at Sophie's routine.  The stretching of yoga seemed more appealing than a repeat of 6 km.  The 20 minute program is rather difficult to read and perform, so mom read the positions to me.  She also took it upon herself to correct my interpretation of the position.  I suppose that I told her that it was alright to correct me, but I didn't expect her to be so liberal with her criticisms.  Oh the benefits at having a family member who also practices yoga.  Once the program is memorized it shouldn't be that difficult.  It's just the attempting part that's proving to be difficult.


  1. I did yoga over break. (A friend teaches it.) It was so much more *work* than I thought, but I felt really good afterwards. Keep it up. (And how does yoga fit into Sophie's eco-friendly life? Is yoga more eco-friendly than other exercise?)

  2. I probably mentioned this, but I took that partner yoga that they offered as a drop-in class at the PEIF. It was great! I had never done yoga before, but it really stretched me out, and I was even starting to get a little toning in some spots.
    Sadly, it was hard to do on my own. (Probably because I was in PARTNER yoga??)
    Keep at it!
