Gorgeously Green Official

Here is the official website that I have used as a basis for my blog: www.gorgeouslygreen.com

Sunday, January 8, 2012

Kitty Litter: third time's a charm

Finally I've found a suitable ecofriendly litter thanks to a recommendation from a friend. The World's Best Cat Litter can completely mask the smell and clumps so that it's easy to clean up.
Scented Multiple Cat Formula

It's a corn based formula. No clay or artificial ingredients are used. It's light and in a pebble like form just like normal litter, which makes the transition between the two brands easier for Pudge (my cat). I've noticed that Pudge has had no problem using this litter long term, unlike the Feline Pine.

The company suggests that 1 bag that weighs 34 lbs. should last 72 days with 1 cat, but I've been able to use that 1 bag for 5 months.

The largest downside of this brand is that it's rather expensive and not sold just anywhere. It's not carried at most supermarkets. But I have found it at the local pet stores. I guess that removes temptation from spending all of my money at the supermarket. One 34 lbs. bag cost $40. At the company's suggested use the litter costs $13.34 a month and I've been able to reduce that to $8 a month.

Getting use to the smell took a while. I bought the lavender scented by accident. It's wee bit different than the typical smell, kind of a strong sweet not so lavender smell. But after a few days the smell dissipates. Pudge was somewhat hesitant to use the litter at first because it smells so different than the normal litter but now she has no problems digging in.

None of the drawbacks are enough to stop me from using this brand. The biggest challenge is the price and to alleviate that problem I just have to cut out some of my junk food to allow for the litter in my budget.

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