Gorgeously Green Official

Here is the official website that I have used as a basis for my blog: www.gorgeouslygreen.com

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

It's been awhile

School has begun again and let's just face it my Super-Senior year isn't going to be a stress free adventure. But this year I've taken on the responsibility of President of the Environmental Science Organization on campus. Which has translated into: "You need to set an example," regardless of how much I like an event or not.

Last Saturday, I organized ESO to volunteer with the Superior Watershed Partnership and Land Trust's (SWP) dune restoration. For four hours, on a gorgeous fall day in the Upper Peninsula (UP) of Michigan, we worked along Lake Superior planting beach grass and pulling spotted knap weed.

We managed to get all of the transplants in even though planting in sand isn't necessarily the easiest thing to do. But on the positive side, at least it wasn't hot sand. There was a consistent breeze coming off the lake which was slightly cold but the sand warmed up just enough to keep us from freezing.

ESO has also been helping out with the Native Plants project on NMU's campus. For this semester there has been a lot of transplanting from basically the back-woods to a spot on campus.

ESO's hike up Sugarloaf Mountain
I'm still going to the Farmer's Market. It won't be open for much longer so I'm trying to bask in its dimming light until it returns in the spring. I've become addicted to two things at the Farmer's Market: the Marquette Baking Co. bread and this lady's organic honey. Luckily the bakery is located in town, but the honey isn't. I'm going to have to stock up if I want some to last throughout the winter.

It's good to have all of my friends back in town. These events are definitely more fun with others along. ESO recently hiked up Sugarloaf to watch the sun set. It was a most gorgeous evening.

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